
DataFrame.sampleBy(col, fractions, seed=None)[source]

Returns a stratified sample without replacement based on the fraction given on each stratum.

  • col – column that defines strata

  • fractions – sampling fraction for each stratum. If a stratum is not specified, we treat its fraction as zero.

  • seed – random seed


a new DataFrame that represents the stratified sample

>>> from pyspark.sql.functions import col
>>> dataset = sqlContext.range(0, 100).select((col("id") % 3).alias("key"))
>>> sampled = dataset.sampleBy("key", fractions={0: 0.1, 1: 0.2}, seed=0)
>>> sampled.groupBy("key").count().orderBy("key").show()
|  0|    3|
|  1|    6|
>>> dataset.sampleBy(col("key"), fractions={2: 1.0}, seed=0).count()

Changed in version 3.0: Added sampling by a column of Column

New in version 1.5.