
pyspark.sql.functions.transform(col, f)[source]

Returns an array of elements after applying a transformation to each element in the input array.

  • col – name of column or expression

  • f

    a function that is applied to each element of the input array. Can take one of the following forms:

    • Unary (x: Column) -> Column: ...

    • Binary (x: Column, i: Column) -> Column..., where the second argument is

      a 0-based index of the element.

    and can use methods of pyspark.sql.Column, functions defined in pyspark.sql.functions and Scala UserDefinedFunctions. Python UserDefinedFunctions are not supported (SPARK-27052).


a pyspark.sql.Column

>>> df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, [1, 2, 3, 4])], ("key", "values"))
>>>"values", lambda x: x * 2).alias("doubled")).show()
|     doubled|
|[2, 4, 6, 8]|
>>> def alternate(x, i):
...     return when(i % 2 == 0, x).otherwise(-x)
>>>"values", alternate).alias("alternated")).show()
|    alternated|
|[1, -2, 3, -4]|

New in version 3.1.